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Resident Rights and Responsibilities

Resident Rights:


1. To reside in a community-based, residential setting with other persons in recovery, who together, form the functional equivalent of a family and to enjoy this domicile without interference and/or intimidation from neighbors or any municipal authority.


2. To receive and review a Resident Welcome Packet prior to any request for an application fee, deposit and/or rent or to execute legally enforceable documents. At a minimum, the Resident Welcome Packet must include:













3. To reside in a home that is alcohol and drug-free. Resident has a right to hold Residence Management accountable to effectively monitor abstinence and uniformly implement the consequence for a return to active use as published in “House Rules & Consequences”.


4. To expect that, in the event the resident were to return to active alcohol and/or drug use, management will follow their protocol(s) as published in the Residence Welcome Packet.


5. To be treated fairly, respectfully and with dignity by fellow residents, management, staff and neighbors at all times and under all circumstances.


6. To expect fellow residents to honor their commitment to maintain a clean, orderly and safe residence for all inhabitants to share equally.


7. To be provided a clear, safe and accessible path for communication of concerns regarding the resident’s own well-being, the well-being of fellow residents and/or the wellness and safety of the entire household.


8. To expect that, should an assessment be made that the resident has need of a higher level of care, management will counsel the resident regarding this assessment and make reasonable effort to transition the resident to a more appropriate provider.


9. To self-determine and direct their personal recovery plan and to rely on fellow residents for honest appraisal, encouragement and continued support of their positive actions towards building recovery capital.


10. To a receive, upon request and within a reasonable response time, copies of all documents executed by the resident, receipts for all payments made directly by and/or on behalf of the resident by any third party, transcripts of any entries made by staff to the resident file, any drug urinalysis report(s) conducted through a confirmatory laboratory specific to the resident, and, when applicable, all billing statements submitted by the residence to the resident’s healthcare insurance provider.


11. To be provided a clearly defined protocol for filing a grievance. Resident Responsibilities:



2.1. An orientation on agreements, policies and procedures prior to committing to terms.


2.2. Written residents rights and requirements (e.g. House Rules and grievance process) posted in common areas.


2.3. Written resident agreement that includes:

          • Services provided

          • Recovery plan including a move-in (i.e. goals and objectives) and move-out (i.e. contingency) plan

          • Financial terms


2.4. Documents that fully disclose policies regarding possessions left in a residence

1. To treat each fellow resident and staff member with dignity and respect.


2. To remain abstinent from use of alcohol and/or drugs, including those that may be prescribed by a licensed physician, but that are not permissible by the residence, as defined in the Resident Welcome Packet.


3. To promptly report any fellow resident’s use of alcohol and/or non-permissible drugs to the designated residence staff in order to ensure the continued safety and wellness all residents within the community.


4. To encourage fellow residents’ active engagement in their own personal recovery plan; respecting boundaries, while providing honest, peer supportive perspectives and suggestions based on experience.


5. To welcome new residents, assist in their orientation to the community culture and encourage new residents to participate in residence activities. To make reasonable effort to include new residents in attendance of mutual aid meetings, community chores, communal food shopping, meal preparation and dining as well as inclusion in social and/or sporting activities.


6. To voluntarily abide by House Rules at all times for the safety and well-being of the resident community.


7. To hold peers accountable to adhere to house rules for the safety and wellness of the community and to openly raise concerns regarding a resident’s continued failure to adhere to house rules at a scheduled house meeting where the entire community might be made aware of and have an opportunity to provide constructive input to their peer.


8. To be mindful for the rights of neighboring families; refraining from use of lewd or vulgar language, elevated noise levels, over-crowded parking, loitering, littering or other actions that might be considered as impinging on the safety and well-being of neighborhood persons, family members and property.


9. To maintain personal space and all common areas in a clean, orderly fashion and to voluntarily contribute to the maintenance of both the interior and exterior of the residence as established in the residence’s “House Rules & Consequences” and/or orientation documentation provided in the Resident Welcome Packet.


10. To be mindful of physical, mental and dental needs and take necessary action(s) to address those needs. If so doing requires external support, it is the resident’s responsibility to make their need for assistance known to peers and/or staff with advance notice so as to provide them an opportunity to support the resident.


11. To pay rent and any other fees as agreed and maintain a record of such payments; including retention of each receipt provided by owner, manager or staff at the time of their payment.

© 2015 Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

a NARR Affiliate


Our mission is to ensure that persons in recovery have a successful recovery journey by empowering them with education and connections, magnifying their voice through advocacy and celebration, and certifying that their residence meets national standards of quality and care.


Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

1628 Church Street

Philadelphia, PA 19124




Tel: 215-380-0904


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