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Give to the General Fund

The PARR General Fund is the primary or catchall fund of our  501c(3) nonprofit. It is similar to a business' general ledger account, and records all assets and liabilities of the entity that are not assigned to a special purpose fund.


It provides the resources necessary to sustain the day-to-day activities and thus pays for all administrative and operating expenses of PARR. Without a general fund, we could not carry out the work of our organization.


Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today, using the button below:


Recovery News

© 2015 Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

a NARR Affiliate


Our mission is to ensure that persons in recovery have a successful recovery journey by empowering them with education and connections, magnifying their voice through advocacy and celebration, and certifying that their residence meets national standards of quality and care.


Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

1628 Church Street

Philadelphia, PA 19124




Tel: 215-380-0904


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