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NARR Standards 3.0

NARR was founded in 2011 by a group of organizations and individuals with vast experience in recovery housing from across the country. From the beginning, NARR has been committed to developing and maintaining a national standard for all levels of recovery housing. The term “recovery residence” denotes safe and healthy residential environments in which skills vital for sustaining recovery are learned and practiced in a home-like setting, based on Social Model principles. The Social Model is fundamental to all levels of recovery residences. Social Model philosophy promotes norms that reinforce healthy living skills and associated values, attitudes, and connection with self and community for sustaining recovery. NARR Standard 3.0 operationalizes the Social Model across four Domains, 10 Principles, 31 Standards and their individual rules.


The Standard is tailored to each of NARR’s four levels. Version 3 of the NARR Standard does not introduce any operational rules that are not already included in Version 2. Rather, it restates them in a more logical way that improves clarity and eliminates some redundant language.



Outline of the Standard


Domain 1          Administrative Operations

Principle A        Operate with integrity: Standards 1-4

Principle B.       Uphold residents’ rights: Standards 5 and 6
Principle C.       Create a culture of empowerment where residents engage in governance and leadership: Standards 7 and 8
Principle D.       Develop staff abilities to apply the Social Model: Standards 9-13

Domain 2          Physical Environment
Principle E.        Provide a home-like environment: Standards 14 and 15
Principle F.        Promote a safe and healthy environment: Standards 16-19

Domain 3          Recovery Support
Principle G.       Facilitate active recovery and recovery community engagement: Standards 20-25
Principle H.       Model prosocial behaviors and relationship enhancement skills: Standard 26
Principle I.        Cultivate the resident’s sense of belonging and responsibility for community: Standards 27-29

Domain 4         Good Neighbor
Principle J.        Be a good neighbor: Standards 30 and 31



The National Alliance for Recovery Residences

* = Standard may be subject to state requirement

NARR Standard 3.0 –  November 2018


✔ = Required

R  = Recommended






Domains Principles Core Standards.jpg


The National Alliance for Recovery Residences

* = Standard may be subject to state requirement

NARR Standard 3.0 –  November 2018


✔ = Required

R  = Recommended

Reference Guide.jpg

© 2015 Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

a NARR Affiliate


Our mission is to ensure that persons in recovery have a successful recovery journey by empowering them with education and connections, magnifying their voice through advocacy and celebration, and certifying that their residence meets national standards of quality and care.


Pennsylvania Alliance of Recovery Residences | PARR

1628 Church Street

Philadelphia, PA 19124




Tel: 215-380-0904


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